Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Adventures Today

"Way to go mom!, You're doing it!"  Great words that were spoken by Jordan, one of our kids at the LPHOH retreat this week watching his mom get up to paddleboard today.  I was so lucky to be out on the water and listening to him cheer her on.  I was so proud of all of our families who tried paddle boarding today! 

Casey Roman from WECT in Wilmington came out and spent the day with us and our families were featured on the local news.  Click here to watch the video that aired.

 And then while we were paddle boarding, there was a little bit of trash talking going on between Jake and Joel.  We will just say that it was a good game!  (I am sure that Jake would tell you who the winner was)
And we would like to introduce you to Jake's gang....
 And the night ended with a date night at Michael's Seafood Restaurant for the parents and the kids had a competitive game of whiffle ball and a late night swim.  The week is going great and the volunstars are so in love with our families!  We are getting more than we are giving and feel lucky to have such a wonderful group as our first LPHOH family.  Big day at the park tomorrow, professional photographs of the family by Sarah Anne, a BBQ dinner tomorrow night and Human Whack a Mole!  Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome experience you are providing for the kids and families!
