The pool allowed for new friendships to form...
Adorable smiles to be captured...
the race contestants to gear up...
brothers and sisters to laugh....
moms and dads a chance to be in love again...
our kids get a chance to show off how well behaved they are...
and also how they can single handedly attack!!!
People who will celebrate your hole in one...
how cool are these two???
and how sweet are these two?
and how gorgeous are these two?
how in love are these two?
Volunstars got to know families....
and the local community got a chance to take part in the fun!
The dinner tonight was held at Surfside United Methodist Church. They supported us last year by cooking a meal and we were blown away when they presented us with a check for $800 for money that their congregation had donated to help Little Pink!
Our volunstars were all smiles...
but their smiles were nothing in comparison to our moms and dads...
or brothers and sisters....
And we finished with magic!
I cannot wait for another day to begin!!!
LPHOH is on a mission; One smile at a time!